Welcome to our Active Schools Section. Here you can find lots of information about our work towards our Active Schools Flag. The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative which recognises schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community, by awarding them with an Active School Flag (ASF). To learn more about the Active School Flag Initiative, visit their website – http://www.activeschoolflag.ie
How are we Working towards getting an active Flag?
After almost two years of hard work and commitment from all the boys and girls at St. Kevin’s NS, we were delighted to be awarded the Active Schools Flag! Well done to all the pupils and staff for this great achievement. A special word of thanks to Ms. Ashfield for working so hard to make sure that we became a very active school – and had lots of fun in the process. After almost two years of hard work and commitment from all the boys and girls at St. Kevin’s NS, we were delighted to be awarded the Active Schools Flag! Well done to all the pupils and staff for this great achievement. A special word of thanks to Ms. Ashfield for working so hard to make sure that we became a very active school – and had lots of fun in the process.
Run Around Ireland Challenge Over a period of four weeks every class took part in the Run Around Ireland challenge. We successfully completed this challenge and ticked off lots of famous Irish landmarks on our way!
GAA Coaching This term, the children from 2nd – 6th Class have been enjoying Gaelic football coaching sessions with Ciarán, our GAA coach. We look forward to seeing him again in September.
Rugby Coaching: The pupils from 4th, 5th and 6th Class enjoyed four weeks of rugby coaching with Ian from Ardee Rugby Club. I think we may have some future rugby stars in our school!
Rugbyathon and Jersey Day On Friday 30th April we held a Jersey Day. We also took part in the Aldi Play Rugby ‘Rugbyathon’ in aid of Temple Street Children’s Hospital, raising over €300 for this worthy cause. Every child in our school got the chance to play rugby on the same day. Thank you to all our parents for their generous donations. We also used this opportunity to raise our flag to mark our recent achievement of the Active School Flag – it was a wonderful day for our school!
Update 22/03/21
On the 25th November 2019 Mr Keane and Ms Ashfield attended the Physical Literacy Move Well, Move Often Seminar Day. They returned to school with lots of ideas on how to incorporate our fundamental movement skills into our daily school life and into our PE lessons. (pictures of certs)
In February and March 2020, Ms. Halpenny worked with the rest of the staff to teach the students Irish dancing during PE. We had organised a whole school céilí which unfortunately had to be rescheduled due to the school closure. Here are some pictures of us all practising.
Keeping active on Lá Glas: Mrs Keenan and Mrs Callan’s class had their own mini parade and Céilí
Ms Ashfield’s class had their own mini céilí outside too.
In September 2020, we purchased some new PE equipment. We also got a number of footballs for each class to play with on the yard at breaktimes. To fit in all our new supplies, we had to do a tidy up of our PE Storeroom!
Update 25/11/20
We are still working towards earning our Active School Flag this year as we could not compete the process last year due to the school closure.
All the classes are still enjoying active breaks each day, through stretching in the classroom or getting outside for a movement break.
Water Safety Ireland has created a free educational resource for primary schools called PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety). PAWS outlines life-saving guidelines for children of every age and is available digitally to every school in the country. It teaches children how to be safe around water in homes, farms, pools, beaches and on our waterways. In October/November, every class completed the LandPAWS Water Safety lessons as we did not get to complete these last year.
Starting on the 9th November, we will all be taking part in the Active Break Every Day challenge for each class to have an exercise, dance or running break every day for 4 weeks.
6th Class completed the What Club Are You In? survey which gave us an idea of all the clubs and sporting activities that our students take part in. Here are the results, well done to 6th Class for all their hard work on this!
We have launched our Active School Walkway! It has been split into 2 routes: 1 around the junior yard and 1 around the basketball court. The junior classes are enjoying doing their daily mile on the Active Walkway route, following the new signs! The senior classes will use the other route in the basketball court on wet days. Here are some pictures of Junior and Senior Infants and 1st Class doing an exercise break on the Active Walkway route!
Junior Infants to 3rd Class are enjoying having Dáire, our hurling coach visit us on Fridays. The children are learning the fundamental skills of hurling/camogie and are having great fun! Here are some pictures of them all, we have some future hurling/camogie stars in our classrooms!
------Updates 13/2/20------
Active Break Every Day
We have now completed our 4-week Active Break Every Day Challenge! We really enjoyed all our movement breaks throughout the day. We were exercising, dancing and running between our lessons over the past 4 weeks and it was great fun!
Active school Slogan Competition
We held an Active School Slogan Competition in November. The children worked really hard on their posters and they turned out wonderful. However, after much deliberation the Active School Committee picked this poster as the winner. Our Active School Flag Slogan is ‘Help get the Active Flag. We got this in the bag.’
Active Playground on Wednesdays
5th and 6th class have started teaching the rest of the school playground games on Wednesdays at lunchtime. The games for the month of December are Octopus, Flush The Toilet and Timebomb.
The games for January and February are a choice between Chocolate Chip Cookie, Penalty Shoot-out, Ship Sea Shore, Octopus, Fruitbowl, and Horses and Jockeys.
The Daily Mile
We have completed The Daily Mile Challenge in conjunction with Louth Sports Partnership. The aim of the programme was to increase physical activity during school. We definitely think we have succeeded in reaching that goal! Each class walked/jogged/ran for 15 minutes daily for a three month period. We had a great time taking part in the Daily Mile!
‘Introduction to Zumba’ Classes
We want to say a big thank you to Trisha, who taught an ‘Introduction to Zumba’ class to all of the classes in our school. We had a great time learning some new dances!
2nd and 3rd class currently have a GAA football skills coach for PE, while 5th and 6th Class have a hurling Coach.
Cross Country
Some pupils from 4th, 5th and 6th Class participated in the Drogheda & District AC Schools’ Cross Country competition and competed very well in tough cross country conditions. Well done to everyone who took part!
A big thank you to everyone who took in stickers from the recent ALDI competition for PE equipment for the school. We were lucky enough to win a tag rugby kit for our school. We look forward to trying it out!
------Updates 15/11/19------
Rainy Day Breaks
Some of our Playground leaders; Finn, Kate and Niall treated Junior and Senior Infants to an exercise break in the classroom as we couldn’t play outside.
Active Playground on Wednesdays:
Pupils from 5th and 6th class have been teaching pupils in younger classes playground games at lunchtimes every Wednesdays. The games for the month of November are Chocolate Chip Cookie, Horses and Jockeys and No Man’s Land.
Super Troopers Active Homework
All the children in the school have received a Super Troopers Active Homework diary. This is the children’s active homework. There is an explanation of the activities at the back of the book. Parents are asked to ensure their child completes their Active Homework and sign the diary regularly.
Active Lines
On Monday 11th December we started our Active Lines. The ASF Committee members in each class will lead the line in exercises when lining up to go back into the classroom following our break times.
Active Break Every Day Challenge
We have committed to an Active Break Every Day from 11th November – 6th December. These active breaks can be dance breaks, exercise breaks or a running break.
Well Done Wall
We have established a new Well Done Wall in our school to acknowledge and celebrates the children’s sporting achievements both inside and outside of school.
We have all signed our Active School Commitment!
We have started our Daily Mile Challenge!
We have elected our Acitve Schools Flag Committee Members!