Presently, the staff in St. Kevin’s N.S. comprises:
Teaching Principal 3rd & 4th Class: Mr. McCoy
Deputy Principal 1st & 2nd Class: Ms. McGee
5th & 6th Class: Mr. Keane
Senior Infants & 1st Class: Mrs. Keenan/Mrs. Malloy (Job sharing)
Junior & Senior Infants: Mrs. Callan
Special Education Teacher and SEN Co-ordinator: Mrs. Byrne
Special Education Teacher: Ms. Halpenny
EAL - Mrs. Malloy
Special Needs Assistant: Betty McMullan
Special Needs Assistant: Lucy Campbell
Special Needs Assistant: Chrisie Callan
Special Needs Assistant: Fay Lynch
Secretary: Anne Dowling
Teaching Principal 3rd & 4th Class: Mr. McCoy
Deputy Principal 1st & 2nd Class: Ms. McGee
5th & 6th Class: Mr. Keane
Senior Infants & 1st Class: Mrs. Keenan/Mrs. Malloy (Job sharing)
Junior & Senior Infants: Mrs. Callan
Special Education Teacher and SEN Co-ordinator: Mrs. Byrne
Special Education Teacher: Ms. Halpenny
EAL - Mrs. Malloy
Special Needs Assistant: Betty McMullan
Special Needs Assistant: Lucy Campbell
Special Needs Assistant: Chrisie Callan
Special Needs Assistant: Fay Lynch
Secretary: Anne Dowling
Staff August 2023: Front Row: Mrs Callan, Mrs. Byrne, Mr. McCoy(Principal), Ms. McGee, Mr. Keane
Back Row: Chrisie Callan, Ms. Malloy, Lucy Campbell, Betty McMullan, Fay Lynch, Anne Dowling, Ms. Halpenny,
Mrs. Keenan
Past and Present Staff. June 2019